1868 and 1872 Presidential Campaigns


Ulysses S. Grant
Obverse - In a circle surrounding military bust of Grant to right LIEU. GEN.  
six stars U.S.GRANT seven stars, all enclosed by a laurel wreath.
Reverse - Plain shield with a beaded border in center, eagle above
five flags to the right and left.  
DeWitt USG 1868-5, silver, 40mm
(image courtesy of Heritage)

DeWitt USG 1868-5, copper, 39.8mm

DeWitt USG 1868-5, brass (unlisted), 39.9mm

DeWitt USG 1868-5, white metal, 40mm
(image courtesy of Stacks Bowers)
Although listed in "American Political Badges and Medalets 1789 - 1892"
as a campaign piece for Grant's 1868 campaign I think there is clear
evidence that the dies were originally created by George H. to strike
identification discs for Union soldiers. There is no date found on the
medal and the large empty space on the reverse seems out of place for
a campaign piece. Below is an engraved identification disc from these dies.

Maier and Stahl Grant 9A, white metal
(image and information courtesy of Matthew Robinson)

This was for a member of the 29th Company Unattached,
Massachusetts Heavy Artillery which was mustered out
June 16, 1865. This piece is approx. 2mm thick compared
with 4mm for the brass example. Further evidence that these dies
were created at least as early as 1865 can be found in the following
medals, the obverse being a cut down version of the obverse above.

"The Grand Reception
of the Returned Volunteers", white metal, 31.2mm
The date on the reverse of this medal indicates it was struck
for an 1865 event, the obverse is a reduced version of USG 1868-5.
The reverse is also found with an obverse featuring Major General
W.S. Hancock shown below

(image courtesy of Heritage)

The medals below again use the reduced version of the obverse die of
USG 1868-5 this time celebrating the capture of the Richmond VA in 
1865 by General Grant, further evidence of this die being earlier than
the 1868 Presidential Campaign.

DeWitt USG 1868-10, copper, 31mm

DeWitt USG 1868-10, brass, 31mm

DeWitt USG 1868-10, white metal, 31.1mm

The following medals also utilize the reduced obverse die and
are also listed in Maier and Stahl’s book "Identification Discs of
Union Soldiers in the Civil War." The 24-pointed star reverse die
was also used by George H. with a Sherman die listed in the same
reference. Several other medals are found with this reverse but have
nothing to do with the Civil War or Grant's campaign.

DeWitt USG 1868-9, copper, 31.1mm

DeWitt USG 1868-9, brass, 31mm

DeWitt USG 1868-9, white metal, 31mm
(image courtesy of Bruce Thomas)

Finally, we do have pieces with this obverse that were struck
for Grant's Presidential Campaign, with his running mate Schuyler

DeWitt USG 1868-8, silver, 32mm

DeWitt USG 1868-8, copper, 32mm
(image courtesy of Stacks Bowers)

DeWitt USG 1868-8, brass, 32mm

DeWitt USG 1868-8, bronzed white metal, 31.2mm

DeWitt USG 1868-8, white metal, 31.4mm

 DeWitt USG 1868-11, white metal, 32mm
 (image courtesy of Heritage)
DeWitt USG 1868-11 obv. / 1868-14 rev., white metal, 32mm
(image courtesy of Stacks Bowers - Ford Collection) 

DeWitt USG 1868-12, silver, 32mm
DeWitt USG 1868-12, copper, 32mm
(image courtesy of Stacks Bowers)

DeWitt USG 1868-12, brass, 32mm
DeWitt USG 1868-12, white metal, 32mm
(image courtesy of Stacks Bowers)

DeWitt USG 1868-12, bronzed white metal, 32mm

DeWitt USG 1868-7, silver, small letters, 34mm

DeWitt USG 1868-7, copper, small letters, 32.36mm

DeWitt USG 1868-7, brass, small letters, 32.4mm

DeWitt USG 1868-7, white metal, small letters, 34mm

DeWitt USG 1868-7, silver, large letters, 32.4mm 

DeWitt USG 1868-7, copper, large letters, 32.5mm

DeWitt USG 1868-7, brass, large letters, 34mm
(image courtesy of Heritage)

 DeWitt USG 1868-7, white metal, large letters, 34mm
     Are these the work of George H. or his brother Robert Jr? In a footnote to this listing in "American Political Badges and Medalets" it states the obverse is found muled with two other dies - the Dickeson's Coin & Medal Safe die and the Pro Patria die; both of these by Robert Jr.

DeWitt USG 1868-14, silver, 32mm
(on line image)

DeWitt USG 1868-14, copper, 32mm
(image courtesy of Stacks Bowers)
DeWitt USG 1868-14, bronze, 32mm
(image courtesy of Stacks Bowers) 

DeWitt USG 1868-14, brass, 32mm
(image courtesy of Dave Marcinkus)

DeWitt USG 1868-14, white metal, 31.3mm

DeWitt USG 1868-14, bronzed white metal, 32mm
(image courtesy of Steve Hayden) 

DeWitt USG 1868-14 obv. / 1868-12 rev., white metal, 32mm
(image courtesy of Stacks Bowers - Ford Collection)
Muling of the preceeding obverse and Brooklyn Sunday School Union die,
unlisted in Sullivan, brass, 31.2mm

Muling of the preceeding obverse die and Erin Go Bragh die
unlisted in Sullivan, brass, 31.4mm

Can anyone identify this reverse die? It is one I have never seen
and I have asked several long time dealers and collectors and have
found no one who has seen this before. Was this created for a different
medal then combined with the Grant obverse? Another case of 
George H. simply creating a rarity or possibly someone
else using his Grant die?
DeWitt USG 1868-18, composition, 32mm
DeWitt states that this piece was "probably made by George Lovett"

DeWitt USG 1868-22, white metal, 28mm
(composite image)

DeWitt USG 1868-22(a), copper, 28mm
(image courtesy of Stacks Bowers)

DeWitt USG 1868-22(a), copper - nickel, 28mm
(on line image)

DeWitt USG 1868-22 (b), white metal, 27.9mm
DeWitt USG 1868-22 (c), Baker 251A, GW-856, white metal, 27.8mm

DeWitt USG 1868-22 (d), white metal, 27.9mm

The three medals above are unlisted in Sullivan but I have given them the designations 1868-22 (b),(c.) and (d). USG 1868-22(c) is also found in copper. 

DeWitt USG 1868-24, copper, 28mm
     This piece is not attributed to George H. but the obverse is found with the obverse of the Grant Memorial medal above, a possible George H. Lovett work.

Schuyler Colfax

 DeWitt SC 1868-3, silver, 28mm

DeWitt SC 1868-3, copper, 28mm

DeWitt SC 1868-3, brass, 28mm

DeWitt SC 1868-3, white metal, 28mm
(on line image)

Horatio Seymour

DeWitt HS 1868-3, silver, 32mm
(image courtesy of Stacks Bowers)

DeWitt HS 1868-3, copper, 32mm

DeWitt HS 1868-3, brass, 32mm

DeWitt HS 1868-3, white metal, 32mm


Ulysses S. Grant

DeWitt USG 1872-3, silver, 32mm

DeWitt USG 1872-3, copper, 31.4mm

DeWitt USG 1872-3, brass, 31.4mm

DeWitt USG 1872-3, white metal, 32mm

Reverse of USG 1872-3(A)

Sullivan says nothing about what metals this muling is found in.

DeWitt USG 1872-10
Obverse - Bust of Grant to right, inscription around GENERAL U.S. GRANT. 

Reverse - Inscription GENERAL U.S. GRANT / dash-star-dash ornament / 
REPUBLICAN / CANDIDATE / FOR / PRESIDENT / dash-star 1872 star dash,
3 stars to right and left. 

White metal, 27.9mm

This appears to be a recycling of an 1868 campaign medal, USG 1868-22(a).
The reverse is the same with the addition of the 3 stars to
the right and left, the dash and star on both sides of the date.  Under 
magnification you can make out a bit of the details of the
original "68" of the date.

Horace Greeley

DeWitt HG 1872-1, silver, 31mm

DeWitt HG 1872-1, copper, 31mm
(image courtesy of Stacks Bowers)

DeWitt HG 1872-1, brass, 31mm

DeWitt HG 1872-1, white metal, 31.4mm

DeWitt HG 1872-2, silver, 31mm
(image courtesy of Stacks Bowers)

DeWitt HG 1872-2, copper, 31.2mm

DeWitt HG 1872-2, brass, 31.2mm

DeWitt HG 1872-2, white metal, 31.2mm