John K Curtis Merchant Tokens


George H. Lovett produced a series of merchant tokens for John K. Curtis utilizing 3 different dies describing his business combined with The Antiquary die, Johannes Allan die, and the Cincinnatus of America die. Several mules of these and other dies of George H. are also known.

Curtis Merchant Token - The Cincinnatus of America

NY 171, silver, 31mm

NY 172, copper, 31.2mm

NY 173, brass, 31mm

NY 174, white metal, 31.3mm

Curtis Merchant Token - Johannes Allan

NY 175, silver 31mm

NY 176, copper, 31.2mm

NY 177, brass, 31.2mm

NY 178, white metal, 31.2mm

Curtis Merchant Token - The Antiquary

NY 179, silver, 31mm

NY 180, copper, 31.2mm

NY 181, brass, 31.2mm

NY 182, white metal, 31.2mm

Johannes Allan / The Antiquary Mule

NY 183, silver, 31.2mm

NY 184, copper, 31mm

NY 185, brass, 31.2mm

NY 186, white metal, 31mm

The Antiquary / Cupid and Sea Serpent Mule

Copper, 31.1mm

The Antiquary / Steamship Great Eastern reverse mule

NY 187, white metal - silvered?, 31.3mm

NY, 188, brass, 31.25mm

NY 189, copper, 31.2mm

The perfect example of George H's proclivity to put any two dies
together if he thought collectors would find them desirable. These
two dies have nothing to do with each other but I imagine the
Antiquary dies was popular with collectors as it showed a scholar
examining a coin or medal.